Tree Reductions & Pollarding


Reductions and Pollarding

Where a tree has outgrown its space in your garden or where dead and diseased branches occur, reduction in weight, leverage and size can be necessary. Depending on the tree and the intended effect there are various methods and strategies that can be used; this includes pollarding, crown lifting and crown thinning.

In this extreme form of pruning, pollarding looks to remove the upper branches of a tree from a young age; the entire head or crown can also be removed. Dating back to Ancient Rome, this practice, mentioned by Propertius in Latin verse, allows a reduction in the number of wounds. This allows the tree to repair, protect against decay and limit its energy loss. It can enable a tree to be maintained at a set size throughout its lifecycle.

We have many years of experience in effective reduction and pollarding of many different types of trees and for different requirements.